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Kuai Shen

Country: Ecuador


Kuai Shen (Ecuador) is fascinated by social and biological insect behaviour. He works with ants to create audiovisual installations and performances, exploring the concept of insect aesthetics. His research crosses art and science, creating new relationships between humans and ants through the use of lively technologically-enhanced ecologies.



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Virtual Tour: And Say the Animal Responded?

Explore a virtual tour of our timely exhibition, Any Say the Animal Responded? As we emerge from the isolation of Covid-19 and refocus our attention on a rapidly changing climate, this exhibition creates a space for the voice of the animal that we have gained a greater awareness of during this time.


Ariel Guzik The Nereida Capsule 2007 and Kuai Shen Ohm1gas 2012 Image by Rob Battersby Installation view at FACT