David Hall's installation presents a tower of monitors facing the wall; their TV broadcasts appear eclipsed and their original message transformed into an aura of coloured light and musical score (composed by David Cunningham). One monitor, in the centre, shows a 30-line image like those used in the historical transmissions of John Logie Baird in the 1920s. The piece comments on the iconic and magical nature of electricity and communication technologies.
A Situation Envisaged: The Rite II (Cultural Eclipse) was restaged on the occasion of Signs of the Times exhibition at Modern Art Oxford (1990) and Paris (Centre d'Art Contermporain, La Ferme du Buisson, 1993/94) using similar monitors and analogue video content. For Re: [Video Positive] this content has been digitised and updated, but is presented in classic video-wall monitors.
A practicing sculptor in the 60s, David Hall became a key activist
for the new medium of video in the UK in the 70s. Among other
achievements he was a founder of London Video Arts and in his
theoretical and academic texts coined the term 'time-based media'. In
his video installations and television pieces he introduces artistic and
conceptual reflections on contemporary mess media by subverting their
expected form, message and reception habits.