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Renzo Martens, Episode 1, 2003. Photo by Brain Slater.

In Episode 1, Dutch artist Renzo Martens asks his audience to contemplate the motivations behind personalities who provide a documentary view of a war-torn world. Holding a camera up to his face, Martens waltzes with shameless exhibitionism through refugee camps, UN headquarters, and devastated cities. He subverts traditional expectations by preying on vulnerable people asking them repeatedly, 'What do you think of me?' The reactions are both comic, and hostile. In one of the penultimate scenes, Martens is confronted by an NGO worker who asks him, "What do you want? Images of starving babies... tears?" "I want tears", he responds. In this anxious moment, the film-maker's personal affection with the conflict becomes apparent - unravelling the hypocrisy of the global media system, and the humanitarian efforts that rely on it for survival.
