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Superflux, The Financial Crisis, 2009. Photo by Brian Slater.

The Financial Crisis (2009)

The Financial Crisis (Session I-V) is a 12-minute film work addressing the financial crisis from a therapeutic perspective. A hypnotist guides us through our worst nightmares – including job loss and economic collapse - encouraging contemplation of our troubled economic system and the ways in which it is intimately related to internal, personal tumult and chaos.

During four sessions; The Invisible Hand, George Soros, You, and Old Friends, the spectator experiences the fascination of speculation and power, fear, anxiety and frustration of loosing control, loss and personal disaster.

The work causes the viewer to take pause, bringing them in and out of semi-hypnotic, trance-like states in order to explore the complexities of the chaotic world around them. Not without humour, The Financial Crisis, considers the economic disaster from different levels and viewpoints, ultimately revealing the crisis without as the psychosis within.

Originally presented by Frieze Films and Channel 4 and created for Frieze Art Fair 2009. Courtesy of the artist and Nils Stærk, Copenhagen.
