unfold is a synaesthetic, immersive audio-visual experience. Through a complete unison of sight and sound, Kurokawa has created a beautifully abstract (but scientifically based) expression of the beginning of the universe. This new body of work translates space data, specifically the phenomena surrounding the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies, into sounds, images and vibrations.
For unfold, Kurokawa collaborated closely with Vincent Minier, astrophysicist at the Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe (CEA Irfu, Paris-Saclay). The artist was granted unprecedented access to the facility’s scientific data which he used to create striking 3D representations of space, including interpretations of how star-clusters form, and of the birth of sun-like stars. With a focus on the sensorial and the experiential, inspired by the latest discoveries in the field of astrophysics, this beautifully immersive environment transports us to the depths of the universe, bringing us face to face with a reading of the secrets of its inception, and by extension, our own beginning.