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Selachimorpha Joey Holder 6

Film Night: Out to Sea


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Join FACT for an evening of short documentary and artist films which focus on marine life and are curated to reflect on the themes of current exhibition And Say the Animal Responded?

Please note: Concessions tickets are also available for members of the following three unions: Musicians Union, Writers Guild, Equity.

Selachimorpha, 2017 (Artist Joey Holder), 5 min

Artist Joey Holder takes a scene from the 1975 film Jaws to look at the ways in which manipulated images are circulated by Internet culture as ‘fact’.

Silly Symphonies: Frolicking Fish, 1930 (Dir. Burt Gillett), 6 min

Part of Walt Disney’s ‘Silly Symphonies’ series, black and white short cartoon Frolicking Fish depicts a community of dancing sea creatures who are interrupted by a mischievous octopus.

The Love Life of an Octopus, 1967 (Dir. Jean Painlevé), 13 min

Discover the bizarre and extensive mating rituals of a pair of octopus. Follow the love life of the 8 legged couple, from courtship to mating, conception to the birth of their hundreds of offspring.

The Girl who Talked With Dolphins, Dir. Chris Riley (60 mins)

In the 1960’s, in one of the most extraordinary experiments in the history of animal science, a scientist floods a house and invites a young woman to teach a dolphin to understand human speech. The strange happenings which followed would change their lives forever. Courtesy of the BFI National Film and Television Archive.

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