We are extremely aware of how Coronavirus (COVID-19) will be impacting the visual arts community in a number of different ways. Our team is working remotely on how we can best help to support.
This includes the launch of a new scheme entitled FACT Together. We are inviting artists living or working in the North of England to create work during lockdown. FACT Together, will offer 10 early-career artists a grant of £1,500 each plus 3 months of support to develop an idea that will be presented online. Find out more and how to apply
Guidance and funding has also been announced by Arts Council England.
We have put together a video walkthrough showing you how to apply for Arts Council England Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Funding including how to access Grantium, how to set up an Applicant, how to calculate your income and tips on writing your application. Watch the step-by-step walkthroughs here. Find out more about the Emergency Funding from Arts Council England here.
You can also visit FACT's Google Drive for all the information in one place including Public Funding Information for Organisations, Arts Council England Fund Information, Application Hints and Tips, COVID-19 Salary Calculator and a How To Use This Information Guide. All documents are available to be saved and downloaded.
Additional resources for artists:
a-n Guidance for Artists
CovidCulture Support by Arts Professional